Errata V2 Release

Version 2.03:

  • OK one found so far, rigctl again. Freq/Mode updates are quite slow, we have a potential fix for this as they aren’t receiving the automatic ‘transceive’ commands.
  • IC-7100 RIT on/off and RIT Frequency commands are flipped.
  • Users of the “SDR Control” client-side app have noticed that SDR Control does not identify the radio correctly. This is because SDR Control does not broadcast query for the radio and we were, in prior versions, identifying the radio in the UDP stream. We will add the identification back, we did not realize anyone was using it that way.
  • The CW stop command is interpreted incorrectly.
  • Cannot save more than two users for running the wfview server

Version 2.01:

  1. Default selection for network radios is blank in some areas. Users are advised to make selections manually prior to connecting. We will fix this soon
    1. Sample rate is blank
    2. CODEC is blank
    3. Latency slider is at 0 or 500.
  2. Virtual Serial Port manual naming under older version of qt does not work. Users are advised to manually change the name via the saved settings file.
  3. Virtual Serial Port drop-down box is populated incorrectly for linux users. Fix is imminent.
  4. Don’t quite have a way to do RTS (hardware) PTT with remote-to-server radios that need it (IC-718 and older). Working on a fix.
  5. If IC-9700 REF level is set to a negative value, wfview will mis-interpret this and set it to the corresponding positive value
  6. IC-7100 Tune button not working, we have updated the IC-7100 rig file and it will be in the next version
  7. rigctld not reporting transmit power correctly.


Version 2.00:

  1. Virtual Serial Port is not working. This is fixed in the code and will be available soon.
  2. Various rig commands needed small updates (ATU, Preamp, Attenuator). These are incorporated into the code repo and can be manually updated if needed.
    1. 7300
    2. 9100 (needs rig file)
    3. 718
  3. Default selection for network radios is blank in some areas. Users are advised to make selections manually prior to connecting. We will fix this soon.
    1. Sample rate is blank
    2. CODEC is blank
    3. Latency slider is at 0 or 500.
  4. rigctld seems to have some command issues with some applications. This is something we will work on.
  5. Default passband visualized in the spectrum is AM, and does not seem to get updated initially at least for one user with a 7610