How to compile with Windows


You should install the following software first:

  • git (add to %PATH%)
  • gzip binary (add to %PATH%), needed to decompress the QCustomPlot source from the command line
  • Microsoft Visual Studio with nmake, C++ compiler, and debug tools. 2019 recommended (other versions may work too).
  • For 32-bit: qt5, version 5.15.2 (scroll down to “Downloads for open source users”, there is no need to pay)
    • Make sure to install these optional components too:
      • qt creator
      • qmake (add to %PATH%)
  • For 64-bit: qt6, version 6.3.2. Place the preferred qt binary folder within the %PATH% variable ahead of any other qt versions. The folder is named like this: C:\Qt6\6.3.2\msvc2019_64\bin
  • QCustomPlot (source files), version 2.0.1 (other versions may work too)
  • Opus (use our build)
  • RT Audio (clone from, checkout ‘tags/5.2.0‘. No need to build, just clone it)
  • PortAudio (use our build)
  • Eigen (see Setup below)

Make sure the version of qt and MSVC are compatible. My environmental PATH variable looks like this:

wfview windows environment variables for building


The following directory structure is recommended and how the file is designed to work. Please verify that the following files and folders exist. Assume the git command has been run from Documents/projects/wfview-master:

wfview source code: wfview-master/wfview

qcp header: wfview-master/qcustomplot/qcustomplot.h

qcp source: wfview-master/qcustomplot/qcustomplot.cpp

opus include: wfview-master/opus/include

opus library: wfview-master/opus/win32

RT Audio: wfview-master/rtaudio

Port Audio: wfview-master/portaudio/msvc/Win32/Release/portaudio_x86.dll

Eigen: wfview-master/eigen

(from the wfview-master directory, clone the repo: git clone

build directory: wfview-master/build

Clone the repository

cd wfview-master
git clone

Command-line Build

To build from the command line, you can use build.bat, or follow these steps:

call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars32.bat"

This sets many of the necessary environment variables. (You can also just start by launching the “x86 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2019”)

Now make the directory for building, enter the directory, run qmake, and then nmake (nmake is apparently microsoft’s make):

mkdir build
cd build
qmake ..\wfview\

The resulting file is release\wfview.exe

qtcreator Build

Launch qtcreator


Configure the project using the standard options.

Press Build. qtcreator will create a build directory for either Debug or Release, with the objects and executable.